What is Addiction?
According to the Center on Addiction, addiction is a disease. If you don’t already know this, no worries, here’s some proof.
“People with addiction should not be blamed for suffering from the disease. All people make choices about whether to use substances. However, people do not choose how their brain and body respond to drugs and alcohol, which is why people with addiction cannot control their use while others can. People with addiction can still stop using – it’s just much harder than it is for someone who has not become addicted.” - Center on Addiction

Addiction is a disease and must be treated like one to overcome it.
Vaping Addiction
Many people who vape regularly do so because they are addicted to the activity for one reason or another. While the obvious conclusion is that the addiction stems from nicotine use, behavioral addiction is also prevalent among vape users.
According to The Recovery Village, behavioral addiction is characterized by the same detrimental effects associated with physical addiction: “compulsive behavior, tolerance, and reward, even at risk to one’s health.” However, it does not usually stem from substance abuse or physiological roots.
Behavioral addiction typically starts within the user's own mind, often from repeated action that releases powerful neurotransmitters in the brain, causing one to feel a sense of pleasure.
Seemingly harmless actions such as vaping at parties or only on specific occasions can become addictive over time. It can happen without the user even realizing before it is too late.
Our main goal at CAPNOS is to provide people with the tools and knowledge necessary to help them quit unwanted vaping habits. Please check out our other posts such as The Health Benefits of Deep Breathing for more tips on how to help combat behavioral stress.
Behavioral Aids
Behavioral aids in the realm of smoking cessation typically take two forms: self-imposed intervention techniques such as receiving text messages, counseling, or other types of motivational encouragement and quit-smoking products such as nicotine gum and inhalers.
The CAPNOS Zero is the first behavioral aid focused on vaping cessation.
According to Mayo Clinic, only about 5% of smokers quit without the help of a quit-smoking product where the success rate with one is significantly higher, especially when combined with therapy or other motivational aids.
Many companies offer these services but the efficacy varies based on the quality of the provider.
If you feel that a behavioral aid might be helpful on you or your loved ones’ journeys to quitting vaping, check out our main site for helpful quit tips and more information on our zero smoke, zero nicotine behavioral aid that could assist you or others in kicking vaping for good.
Have you tried behavioral aids in the past? Let us know how it went in the comments below and be sure to subscribe to our email list to stay up to date on the latest quit knowledge!